Mateus Jabour


Understanding how computation works part 2-2

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On this post, I will try to make you understand more about computer science. So, in this part of the post we are going to parse the RegExp implementation and we will convert a NFA into a DFA.

Now, we can parse the RegExp implementation with Treetop, as we did on the previous post. let’s do it:

grammar Pattern rule choose first:concatenate_or_empty '|' rest:choose { def to_ast, rest.to_ast) end } / concatenate end
rule concatenate_or_empty concatenate / empty end
rule concatenate first:repeat rest:concatenate { def to_ast, rest.to_ast) end } / repeat end
rule empty '' { def to_ast end } end
rule repeat brackets '' { def to_ast end } / brackets end
rule brackets '(' choose ')' { def to_ast choose.to_ast end } / literal end
rule literal [a-z] { def to_ast end } end end

Using parser, let’s test a more complex expression:

require "treetop" => true Treetop.load('pattern') => PatternParser parse_tree ='(a(|b))*') => 'big output' pattern = parse_tree.to_ast => /(a(|b))*/ pattern.matches?('abaab') => true pattern.matches?('abba') => false

After learning what is a DFA and a NFA, and even implementing a RegExp using NFA, we can conclude that any NFA can do more than a DFA, NFA is just a different way of writing an automata, the only difference between those two is that NFAs have free moves and don’t need to follow the deterministic constraints. So, it is evident that we can convert a NFA into a DFA, right? Yeah, and that is what we are going to do right now. Let’s try to convert this NFA into a DFA:

Let’s think about it behavior:

  • It is possible for this NFA to be in state 1 or 2 before reading any input. So we can begin on a state called 1 or 2.
  • If it reads an ‘a’, it will remain on the state 1 or 2, since in the NFA it can remain on the state 1 or go to the state 2.
  • If it reads a ‘b’, it is possible to be on state 2 or 3, state 2 thanks to the free move, and 3 thanks to the free move too, but it can goes to the state 3 after using the free move.

With this behaviors, we could create a DFA like this:

So, it seems a little bit incomplete, so we will need to do a list with each possible movement and then create a better DFA. After making this list, we can come out with something like this:

And now we have a better DFA, and we can implement a NFA_to_DFA conversion in Ruby. We can do it creating a new class called NFASimulation that collects the informations of the NFA and then it can assemble those informations into a DFA. Let’s do one thing before starting, let’s allow our NFADesign to determine a current_state, not only use the start_state.

class NFADesign def to_nfa(current_states = Set[start_state]), accept_states, rulebook) end end

Let’s start the implementation of NFASimulation with a method called “next_state” that will simulate a state and will take a character, and will get the new state back by inspecting the NFA:

class NFASimulation < def next_state(state, character) nfa_design.to_nfa(state).tap { |nfa| nfa.read_character(character) }.current_states end end

Now we can simulate a movement just by using this method:

rulebook =[, 'a', 1),, 'a', 2),, nil, 2),, 'b', 3),, 'b', 1),, nil, 2) ]) => #<struct NFARulebook rules=[..]> nfa_design =, [3], rulebook) => #<struct NFADesign ..> simulation = => #<struct NFASimulation ..> simulation.next_state(Set[1, 2], 'a') => #<Set: {1,2}> simulation.next_state(Set[1, 2], 'b') => #<Set {2,3}>

Now we need a method to tell us what characters the NFA can read, let’s implement this method on NFARulebook, and we need to use this method on NFASimulation called “rules_for”, but this time, rules_for will return the rules for a particular Set of states, let’s do it:

class NFARulebook def alphabet end end
class NFASimulation def rules_for(state) { |character|, character, next_state(state, character)) } end end

Let’s see how they work:

rulebook.alphabet => ['a', 'b'] simulation.rules_for(Set[1,2]) => [ #<FARule #<Set: {1, 2}> --a--> #<Set: {1, 2}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {1, 2}> --b--> #<Set: {3, 2}>> ] the #rules_for give us a way to explore the rules and discover new states, and repeating it, we can find all possible states. For this we could implement a method called “discover_states_and_rules”, which recursively finds more states, similar to #follow_free_moves:

class NFASimulation def discover_states_and_rules(states) rules = states.flat_map { |state| rules_for(state) } more_states =
if more_states.subset?(states) [states, rules] else discover_states_and_rules(states + more_states) end end end

And finally, the method that will convert the NFA to DFA:

class NFASimulation def to_dfa_design start_state = nfa_design.to_nfa.current_states states, rules = discover_states_and_rules(Set[start_state]) accept_states = { |state| nfa_design.to_nfa(state).accepting? }, accept_states,   end end </code>

As you can see, we are just taking the informations from the NFA and using them to return a new DFADesign. Let’s test the methods implemented previously and let’s convert a NFA into a DFA:

start_state = nfa_design.to_nfa.current_states =>#<Set: {1, 2}> simulation.discover_states_and_rules(Set[start_state]) => [ #<Set: {#<Set: {1, 2}>, #<Set: {3, 2}>, #<Set: {}>, #<Set: {1, 3, 2}>}>, [ #<FARule #<Set: {1, 2}> --a--> #<Set: {1, 2}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {1, 2}> --b--> #<Set: {3, 2}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {3, 2}> --a--> #<Set: {}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {3, 2}> --b--> #<Set: {1, 3, 2}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {}> --a--> #<Set: {}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {}> --b--> #<Set: {}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {1, 3, 2}> --a--> #<Set: {1, 2}>>, #<FARule #<Set: {1, 3, 2}> --b--> #<Set: {1, 3, 2}>> ] ] dfa_design = simulation.to_dfa_design =># dfa_design.accepts?('aaa') => false dfa_design.accepts?('aab') => true dfa_design.accepts?('bbbabb') => true </code>

If you have any doubts about this post, talk with me on Facebook or Twitter