Mateus Jabour


Understanding how computation works part 8

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On this post, I will try to make you understand more about computer science. In this part of the post we are going learn about an abstract way of programming, useful for testing if a program’s going to execute right.

We know that every programming language has it own syntax, which we use it to communicate ideas to a machine, creating programs. Sometimes we need those programs to deal with informations that we won’t know until run time, like an interation with user, files passed as arguments, data read from network, etc. We can try to test those programs with dummy inputs, but, using this way to test the program, we won’t know the its behavior with the real input. We can try to execute it with lots of inputs, however, it won’t be enough.

Other problem that we can find, is that a program written in a powerful language(universal) is capable of running forever, being impossible to investigate does kind of behavior, and I didn’t mentioned the time that you would spend with every test, remember, time is money. :p

We need a way of discover some informations about this program without actually running it. We could use abstract interpretation, an analysis technique in which we execute a simplified version of the program and use the result to deduce properties of the original.

Abstract Interpretation

Abstract interpretation gives us a way of approaching a complex problem, without going into its complexity, by creating abstractions, discarding enough details to make it manageable. Let’s look a application of abstract interpretation, so we can make this idea more concrete.

Abstraction: Multiplying Signs

So, how mission is to discover what is the sign of a multiplication without performing it, for example:

6 * -9 => -54

We know that when we multiply two numbers with the same signs, the result is positive, but, if we multiply two numbers with different signs, the result is negative, like in the case above. But, we could abstract the numbers, so, we have our answer without performing the absolute mulplication. We will need to use abstract interpretation for this.

So, let’s try to use three kind of numbers in out abstraction: negative, zero and positive. We can build Ruby classes to represent our program, let’s do it:

class Sign < NEGATIVE, ZERO, POSITIVE = [:negative, :zero, :positive].map { |name| new(name) }
def inspect "#<Sign #{name}>" end end

Now, we can represent the abstract values: Sign::NEGATIVE for “any negative number”, Sign::ZERO for “the number zero”, Sign::POSITIVE for “any positive number”. Just those 3 objects compose out tiny abstract world where we’ll abstract calculation. We can define the abstract multiplication for Sign value:

class Sign def *(other_sign) if[self, other_sign].include?(ZERO) ZERO elsif self == other_sign POSITIVE else NEGATIVE end end

It will give us just the sign of a multiplication:

Sign::POSITIVE * Sign::POSITIVE => #<Sign positive> Sign::NEGATIVE * Sign::ZERO => #<Sign zero> Sign::POSITIVE * Sign::NEGATIVE => #<Sign negative>

Now, we need to convert the number into the abstract form, just its sign, and multiply those signs to find out what is the result sign.

class Numeric def sign if self < 0 Sign::NEGATIVE elsif zero? Sign::ZERO else Sign::POSITIVE end end end

Now, we can convert two numbers and multiply them in the abstract world:

6.sign => #<Sign positive> -9.sign => #<Sign negative> 6.sign * -9.sign => #<Sign negative>

We figured out that the product of 6 * -9 its negative without performing the real multiplication. But, the abstract result Sign::NEGATIVE just tell us that any negative number is the answer to 6 * -9, but it excludes the possibility of the answer be - or 1 or 500 and so on.

Note that, because Ruby values are objects we can use the same Ruby expression to perfom either a concrete or an abstract computation depeding on whether we provide concrete or abstract object as arguments, take #calculate as an example:

def calculate(x, y, z) (x * y) * (x * z) end

If we call #calculate with Fixnum objects, the calcutation will provide us Fixnum, but, if we can #calculate with Sign, it will provide us Sing in reutnr.

calculate(3, -5, 0) => 0 calculate(Sign::POSITIVE, Sign::NEGATIVE, Sign::ZERO) => #<Sign zero>

Safety and Approximation: Adding Signs

So far we’ve seen that a computation in the abstract world will produce less precise results than its concrete counterpart, throwing away details. A lot of times, it’s fine to have imprecision in results provided by abstractions, but, those imprecisions must be safe, so the abstraction becomes useful. But, what is safety in the abstract world? Safety means that the abstraction always tells the truth.

We can notice that out Sign abstraction is safe because converting numbers into Signs and multiplying them together always gives us the same result.

(6 * -9).sign == (6.sign * -9.sign) => true (100 * 0).sign == (100.sign * 0.sign) => true calculate(1, -2, -3).sign == calculate(1.sign, -2.sign, -3.sign) => true

We can see that those analysis are quite precise, it gives us the exactly result that our abstraction needs. The safety issue becomes more significant when the abstraction doesn’t match ujp quite so perfectly, for example the addition case.

There are some rules taht can help us implement an abstraction of addition, but, they don’t work for all combinations of sign. We know that adding numbers of the same sign, will result in a number with the same sign, and if you add a number with zero, the result will have the sign of the not zero number. But, if we take an additions of two numbers with different signs? We would need the absolute value of each number to know which sign the result would have. In the abstraction world, we know that we don’t use absolute values, so, we can’t have a precise answer in this case.

This is a problem for our abstraction: it’s so abstract that it isn’t able to compute addition accurately in every situation. The only way to solve this imprecision is to implement a new value called Sign::UNKNOWN:

class Sign UNKNOWN = new(:unknown) end

This give us a way to implement abstract addition safely. Let’s implement Sign#+ now:

class Sign def +(other_sign) if self == other_sign || other_sign == ZERO self elsif self == ZERO other_sign else UNKNOWN end end end

That gives us what we need:

Sign::POSITIVE + Sign::POSITIVE => #<Sign positive> Sign::NEGATIVE + Sign::ZERO => #<Sign negative> Sign::POSITIVE + Sign::NEGATIVE => #<Sign unknown>

And, when we use Sign::UNKNOWN as input, our implementation knows how to deal with it:

Sign::POSITIVE + Sign::UNKNOWN => #<Sign unknown> Sign::UNKNOWN + Sign::ZERO => #<Sign unknown> Sign::POSITIVE + Sign::NEGATIVE + Sign::NEGATIVE => #<Sign unknown>

We need to fix out implementation of Sign#* to handle the UNKNOWN value:

class Sign def *(other_sign) if [self, other_sign].include?(ZERO) ZERO elsif [self, other_sign].include?(UNKNOWN) UNKNOWN elsif self == other_sign POSITIVE else NEGATIVE end end end

You can notice that, even a UNKNOWN value multiplied by zero, is still zero, so, we can conclude that UNKNOWN isn’t that contagious. Let’s mix Sign#* with Sign#+ and see what happens:

(Sign::POSITIVE + Sign::NEGATIVE) * Sign::ZERO + Sign::POSITIVE => #<Sign positive>

We need to adjust the idea of correctness to deal with the impression introduced by Sign::UNKNOWN. We know that our abstraction sometimes will fail in giving precise answer, due to the lack of information, like this one:

(10 + 3).sign == (10.sign + 3.sign) => true -5 + 0).sign == (-5.sign + 0.sign) => true (6 + -9).sign == (6.sign + -9.sign) => false (6 + -9).sign => #<Sign negative> 6.sign + -9.sign => #<Sign unknown>

So, did our abstraction lose safety? No, because when it returns UNKNOWN, it still says to us that the result is “negative, zero or positive”. We need to agree that isn’t useful as the other result, but isn’t wrong.

There’s a question that can open a discussion for us: Does the result of the concrete computation fall within the result predicted by the abstract one? If the abstract computation says that a few different results are possible, does the concrete computation actually produce on of those results, or something else?

Let’s implement Sign#<= and see what happens:

class Sign def <=(other_sign) self == other_sign || other_sign == UNKNOWN end end

And this give us the test we want:

Sign::POSITIVE <= Sign::POSITIVE => true Sign::POSITIVE <= Sign::UNKNOWN => true Sign::POSITIVE <= Sign::NEGATIVE => false

Now, we can test whether each concrete computation’s result falls within the abstract computation’s predict:

(6 * -9).sign <= (6.sign * -9.sign) => true (-5 + 0).sign <= (-5.sign + 0.sign) => true (6 + -9).sign <= (6.sign + -9.sign) => true

Now, we’ve designed an abstraction that falls back to a safe approximation when it can’t give a precise answer. We can do simple analysis of Ruby code that adds and multiplies numbers, we can use the sums of squares as example:

def sum_of_squares(x, y) (x * x) + (y * y) end

Each of the arguments x and y can be negative, zero and positive numbers, let’s see the outputs:

Sign.rb(main):116:0* inputs = Sign::NEGATIVE, Sign::ZERO, Sign::POSITIVE => [#<Sign negative> #<Sign zero> #<Sign positive> Sign.rb(main):117:0> outputs = inputs.product(inputs).map { |x, y| sum_of_squares(x, y) } => [#<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> #<Sign zero> #<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> #<Sign positive> Sign.rb(main):118:0> outputs.uniq => [#<Sign positive> #<Sign zero>

With this analysis, we’ve discovered that the sum of squares can only produce zero or positive numbers, never negative numbers. Of course that this trick will only work with very simple code, but despite being a toy, it shows how abstractions can make a difficult problem more tractable.

Static Semantics

So far we’ve seen toy examples of how to discover approximate information about computation without actually perfoming them. We can learn more by using computation for real, we can answer more question about a specific program just by using its Static Semantic, but, what is the Static Semantic of a program? It tells us about properties of this program that we can investigate without executing it. One classic example of static syntax is the type system. We could try to get the types of each value in a program, and see if everything is running as it should. Let’s use Simple, the language that we had implemented in our first post. Let’s remember what we could build with it:

expression =, => x + 1 expression.evaluate({ }) => 3 statement =, => y = 3 statement.evaluate({ x: }) => {:x=>1, :y=>3}

So, we’re going to abstract everything that isn’t type, a type can represent many possible values, like “any number” or “any Boolean”. Let’s define our Type class:

class Type < NUMBER, BOOLEAN = [:number, :boolean].map { |name| new(name) }
def inspect "#<Type #{name}>" end end

So, we need to implement #type for each class that represent an expression in Simple(number, if’s, while’s, etc). Let’s start with the more basics classes:

class Number def type Type::NUMBER end end
class Boolean def type Type::BOOLEAN end end

For Add, Multiply and LessThan is a little bit more complicated, those expressions will only succeed if both arguments are numbers. otherwise, Simple interpreter will fail:,{}) => 3,{}) TypeError: true can't be coerced into Fixnum

So, for implement #type for those 3, we need to think about the rules of each one. For Add, if the type of both arguments is NUMBER, the result will return NUMBER, otherwise, the result is no type. We can let #type returning nil for those fail situations. For Multiply is identical to Add, and LessThan is very similar, expect that it returns BOOLEAN.

class Add def type if left.type == Type::NUMBER && right.type == Type::NUMBER Type::NUMBER end end end
class LessThan def type if left.type == Type::NUMBER && right.type == Type::NUMBER Type::BOOLEAN end end end

We can cases that expressions will evaluate successfully, and those that won’t., => #<Type number>, => nil, => #<Type boolean>, => nil

We’re getting there. Let’s not forget the Variable class, but, what should Variable#type return? It depends what value the variable contains. We can use the same thinking of environment to store the variables values that we used on the first post, when we saw “Small-step semantics”, but, to distinguish from the concrete computation, we’re going to use the name “context”:

class Variable def type(context) context[name] end end

And now, we’ll need to use “context” on all the #type implementation:

class Number def type(context) Type::NUMBER end end
class Boolean def type(context) Type::Boolean end end
class Add def type(context) if left.type(context) == Type::NUMBER && right.type(context) == Type::NUMBER Type::NUMBER end end end
class LessThan def type(context) if left.type(context) == Type::NUMBER && right.type(context) == Type::NUMBER Type::BOOLEAN end end end

Now, we can ask for the type, but we need to provide the context:

expression =, => x + y expression.type({}) => nil expression.type({ x: Type::NUMBER, y: Type::NUMBER }) => #<Type number> expression.type({ x: Type::NUMBER, y: Type::BOOLEAN }) => nil

For statements, the best way is to treat them as a king of inert expression: assume that they don’t return a value (which is true) and ignore the effect they have on the environment. We can create the VOID value, that means “doens’t return a value” and associate to those statements:

class Type VOID = new(:void) end

We can use VOID to implement DoNothing and Sequence. Those are easy, first that DoNothing will always succeed, and Sequence will succeed if there’s nothing wrong with the statement:

class DoNothing def type(context) Type::VOID end end
class Sequence def type(context) if first.type(context) == Type::VOID && second.type(context) == Type::VOID Type::VOID end end end

For If and While, the only specific thing that we need to set is that the condition needs to be evaluated to a Boolean:

class If def type(context) if condition.type(context) == Type::BOOLEAN && consequence.type(context) == Type::VOID && alternative.type(context) == Type::VOID Type::VOID end end end
class While def type(context) if condition.type(context) == Type::BOOLEAN && body.type(context) == Type::VOID Type::VOID end end end

This will let us know when a statement will go wrong or not:,,, ).type({}) => #<Type void>,,, ).type({}) => nil,{ x: Type::BOOLEAN }) => #<Type void>,{ x: Type::NUMBER }) => nil

The only method to implement now is Assign#type. We know it should return Type::VOID, but under what circumstances? How do we decide if an assignment is well-behaved or not? We will need to make some design decisions about what should be considered valid Simple programs. In those decisions we have a tension between the restrictiveness of a type system and the expressiveness of the programs we can write within it. It would be very complex to implement something deeper than what we’re doing now, so, let’s stick with the uncomplicated idea of a type context that’s provided by something outside the program ifself and doesn’t get updated by individual statement. Let’s say that the type of the expression should match the type of the variable to which its value is being assigned:

class Assign def type(context) if context[name] == expression.type(context) Type::VOID end end end

Let’s test everything with a While loop whose dynamic semantics we implemented in our first post:

statement =,,,, ) => while (x < 5) { x = x + 3 } statement.type({}) => nil statement.type({ x: Type::NUMBER }) => #<Type void> statement.type({ x: Type::BOOLEAN }) => nil

Benefits and Limitations

Type system implementation can prevent basic errors. By running a toy version of a program according to these static semantics, we can find out what types of value can appear at each point in the original program and check if these types matches with what the dynamic semantics is going to try to do. For example, we can check a program that runs forever.

statement =,,,,, ) ) => x = 0; while (true) { x = x + 1 } statement.type({ x: Type::NUMBER }) => #<Type void> statement.evaluate({}) SystemStackError: stack level too deep

This program is stupid, but it doesn’t conatin any type errors. Of course, the type system isn’t clever enough to tell us whether a pgoram is doing what we meant it to do, or even doing anything useful. only whether its parts match up in the right way. Because of the safety, sometimes it will give us an overly pessimistic answer about whether the program contains any errors. One example of this is this one:

statement =,, => x = 0; while (true) { x = x + 1 }; x = true statement.type({ x: Type::NUMBER}) => nil

It just returns a nil value because x is receiving a Boolean as it value, but there’s no way this could actually cause a problem. We can see that not just infinite loops cause problems:

statement =,,,, ),,,,, ),,, ) ) => if (b) { x = 6 } else { x = true }; if (b) { y = x } else { y = 1 }; z = y + 1 statement.evaluate({ b: }) => {:b=>true, :x=>6, :y=>6, :z=>7} statement.evaluate({ b: }) => {:b=>false, :x=>true, :y=>1, :z=>2}

We can see that there’s no way of x to get both a Boolean and a Number value in the same execution. But, to be safe, the approximation prefer to say “this program might go wrong”:

Type.rb(main):188:0* statement.type({}) => nil Type.rb(main):189:0> context = { b: Type::BOOLEAN, y: Type::NUMBER, z: Type::NUMBER } => {:b=>#<Type boolean>, :y=>#<Type number>, :z=>#<Type number>} Type.rb(main):190:0> statement.type(context) => nil Type.rb(main):191:0> statement.type(context.merge({ x: Type::NUMBER })) => nil Type.rb(main):192:0> statement.type(context.merge({ x: Type::BOOLEAN })) => nil

In the next post, we’re going to see more about the last hint of testing your code. If you have any doubts about this post, talk with me on Facebook or Twitter